Being accountable and increasing accountability for increased success.

Without accountability reaching goals becomes unrealistic. This is why we must learn the basics of accountability and how to become autonomous with this important aspect of self-regulation in order to succeed.
It is essential to create a full understanding of what is required. Often times we talk about what we need but miss many of the important details. Be sure you can fully answer these questions before selecting your SMART GOAL.
What actions are required to complete this goal? List them all.
How will we assess whether it is complete?
Who is going to complete these actions?
Why is this goal needed in your life? What is its relevance for you?
There is a world of difference between commitment and compliance. I learned this the hard way when I began training for my first marathon. I was frequently having to check to see if things were complete on my training plan. When I learned to lead with commitment, I knew it would take accountability for those early morning training runs. I had to complete the run no matter what the weather was, no matter how busy my week was, how tired I was, or even how much I wanted to quit. Commitment meant grit. Compliance was all the other years where I allowed the first freezing cold day to be the last day of training.
Are you focused on the finished product, or can you identify all of the hard work needed to reach that goal? List the steps that you are not looking forward to doing so these can be identified before having to face them.
What were any previous barriers that prevented you from committing before? Explain how you will handle overcoming them this time. How will it feel once you pass this obstacle?
Is there anyone you can identify with who has met this goal ? Can you visualize their struggles and list strategies they may have used to overcome them?
When things don't go well we hide and feel guilt and shame. When conversations are avoided, we almost always do we fall into a deeper state of negative self-worth and denial which leads to many fears of failure. When things are done well, we celebrate and praise. Things rarely get worse and will continue improving after the positive reinforcement and acknowledgment of the hard work done well! You can make things easier by giving regular and early feedback to yourself or others on how they are performing.
Do you only self-praise and celebrate when you are doing well and withdraw and hide when things start to become difficult?
List 2-3 things you can do to remind yourself to have the courage to stay consistent with your goals even when you may not be succeeding.
Provide a form of accountability that you can add to keep you encouraged to engage in the process until the end so you can see the end results.
Create an accountability team. This could be friends, co-workers, family members, social networks, etc that you can turn to if you feel your courage is being compromised.
Do you have your 3Cs?
Now let's find an accountability partner to share C's with!
If you are interested in getting paired up with an Accountabuddy fill out the request form below and you will be matched with someone that you can share successes with.
You and your buddy will receive an email introduction after you have submitted your request. Please allow 24 hours for placement.