Make sure you read this entirely before starting your meal plan.

The complete guide has been attached to the end of this document. It contains 5 sections. Feel free to read all sections, however, each section has specific instructions that are based on the timeline of the program.
These will be discussed at the Zoom On-Boarding Session on Monday, January 2, 2023.
Please register for this event.
Meeting will be recorded if you can not attend
Program Guide
We are about to start this amazing 23 Day program! Please follow the guidelines given in this document to help you better understand the expectations of the program.
Important Dates:
January 2- Zoom Session OnBoard. We will discuss expectations, timelines, and roles
January 3 - Day 1 of the Program
January 11- Zoom Session to touch base and discuss goals and stressors
January 26- Final Day of Program
1. Communication:
Communication is an essential part of our data collection. It is up to you to direct this communication to ensure your success. These are the top forms of communication that will be used during the program.
Look for the RED ARROW CHECKPOINTS. These are found at the end of each section with prompts to help move you along.
You will receive your calorie limit during your checkpoint.
Proceed to the last section to set up the last few items. Current members may have some of these accounts established, however, I encourage you to double-check and request access to the private ReStore Forum.
Facebook Page Link - Click here to join the group Facebook Page
ReStore Private Forum - Click here to join the private website group on the website.
My Fitness Pal- Click Here for members who are new to Getufit Programs and need to connect with me on My Fitness Pal for your food logging data.
Events Page- Click here to see the calendar of events and to RSVP to any of the Zoom meetings for this program.
Be sure you complete the checklist items located on the last page of this guide. You will be given your calorie amount and links to important resources needed for the program.
2. Daily Weigh-Ins:
When you text me your morning weight, please add a ↑ or ↓ emoji to indicate a loss or gain from the day before. This helps me see at a glance if you have lost or gained.
An example of this may be: 189.6↑ 188.6 ↓
Daily Text - Daily weight and other questions should be sent to 773-644-1441.
Food Logging - Logging food in My Fitness Pal. If you do not have this app you can download it for free. Instructions for setup and calorie amounts will be given in later sections of this guide.
Text daily no matter what. We are not here to report good progress. We need to see all data.
Weigh-in texts can be sent at any time and at any hour. My phone is silenced so you can send texts 24/7. Typically, if you have a question or concern your question will be answered during normal business hours M-F but I do encourage sending weigh-ins daily to maintain consistency.
If your weight isn’t moving, that is when you need to send it most. This indicates an issue that needs to be resolved. A lack of communication will result in a lack of support.
3. Understanding Your Meal Plan
They call me the “Weight Loss Whisperer”
Simply stated. If you don’t listen, you won’t learn. If you don’t ask for help, I can’t help you. From when I wrote my very first meal plan 10 years ago, to the launch of my GetuGreat Nutritional Program in 2018, I have helped over 3000 thousand of individuals shed unwanted pounds and change their metabolisms. The only way you will make this the LAST DIET you ever go on is if you make sure you do the following:
Each month you will have five breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and ten dinner recipes to choose from.
Each meal and minimal option includes a carb, a protein along with healthy fat. These should not be omitted.
You can DESIGN YOUR DINNER using the template provided in your plan. It is important to stick to a routine and meal prep if possible.
We will be practicing IIF. Intermittent Interval Fasting. See the next page for an explanation of how this schedule works and its benefits.
Benefits to IIF:
Balance insulin levels
Improve memory
Increase vitality
Reduce inflammation
Reduce your weight
Slow down weight gain
Reduced stress on adrenals
Balanced hunger hormones
This will be discussed during our Zoom Meeting, however, I had added a brief video explaining this protocol.
4. Your Meals
Plan out what 4-5 times of day work best for you typically to have a meal. This will vary from day to day and should be based on the time you wake up. Meal #1 should be consumed no later than 10am.
All meals are created equal. You can eat any meal at any time of day for any mealtime. All of the meals and mini-meals have been created with the Lavender Trifecta Macro Formula.
Once you receive your calorie amount you should be able to fit 4-5 meals within that caloric range with careful budgeting.
Your success rate will increase if you stick to the meals that are on the plan and stick to the IIF protocol.
Although you can create your own meals, knowing that your success rate more than likely will drop the more this is done, it is suggested that this is limited to only 3-4x weekly for those members who may have issues complying with the menu.
You want to avoid any consumption of nutrients in between meals during the “fast”. Water, black coffee or tea are permitted. The use of artificial sweeteners or caffeinated products should be used only as needed and reduced during this 23-day period.
5. The Lavender Macro Trifecta
As mentioned in the meal section, all meals and mini-meals are created equal. What this means is you can enjoy any of the meals on the plan at any time of day as they have been created with the same macronutrient breakdown.
The formula: Although this is not for you to worry about as it can be overwhelming, I am providing this information as a reference point for a better understanding of how this formula works. Since all of the meals have already been crafted with these variables, as long as you do not omit ingredients or parts of the recipe and make parallel substitutions within the same color category, your progress will not be impacted.
Women should get 3-4 ounces or 20-25 grams
Men 6-8 ounces or 40-50 grams in each meal
All meals must contain protein.
All proteins should come from lean sources.
The fat that may be in the protein does not count toward your fat goal unless it is from the yolk of an egg or fat from salmon. All other fat is considered animal fat, or non-essential fat. This is why it is important that we pay attention to the types of proteins we consume.
All proteins will be highlighted in RED to help indicate that they are an essential protein source and valuable ingredient for you to use on your meal plans.
Men and Women both should get 30-40 grams
or 100-150 calories of carbohydrates in each meal
All meals must contain a complex carb. This is different than any carb.
Complex carbs come from sources such as whole grains, rice, pasta, potatoes, legumes, and vegetables.
Some fruits contain complex carbs as well. Fruits approved are berries, apples, and pears. All other fruits that do not contain as much fiber are considered a "simple sugar" and therefore a non-essential carb which will be explained later.
The amount of carbs your body can burn within a typical 3-4 hour time period is approximately 30-40 grams. This equals 100-150 calories. This is your carb limit per meal. This will provide energy and keep you from experiencing brain fog.
The carbs that you find in sources contain sugar, syrups, starches, and even fruit. You can tell which carbs are non-essential by looking at the sugar content or referencing the chart that is included in this document.
Your body needs carbohydrates and these should not be omitted, however reducing your carbs after 3 pm is permitted and can be exercised by those who feel they need to create more space in their budget for additional meals.
All carbs will be highlighted in BLUE to help indicate that they are an essential carb source and valuable ingredient for you to use on your meal plans.
Men and Women both should get 15-18 grams
or 80-100 calories of healthy fat in each meal
All meals must contain healthy fat. This is different than any fat.
Healthy fats are defined as monounsaturated fats. These fats will increase your HDL (this is your good cholesterol- the one we want high).
A healthy fat will not coagulate in the refrigerator. Butter and cheese, both considered NON-ESSENTIAL go from liquid to solid when refrigerated. This is an example of what non-essential fat will do within all of our major organs.
Non-essential fats such as cheese, butter, cream, and vegetable oil are polyunsaturated or polyunsaturated fats or trans-fats. These fats will increase your LDL and total cholesterol. This is the cholesterol marker that shows the risk of cardiac disease, heart attack, or stroke. A reduction of these foods will bring your cholesterol down and improve your overall health.
Omitting healthy fats from your meals will typically cause hunger and slow down your success rate.
Cheese is not a healthy fat. You can include non-essential fats in your meals in moderation, however, the more you use the less “fat” you may lose.
All fats will be highlighted in WHITE to help indicate that they are an essential fat source and valuable ingredient for you to use on your meal plans.
Now that you understand these components… Let us discuss the benefits
In order to lose weight…
Increase metabolic rate…
Avoid hunger and cravings..
Keep insulin levels stable…
Balance cortisol levels…
Improve overall health
20-25g / 40-50g Protein
100-150 calories of carbohydrate
80-100 calories of healthy fat
Use this formula to understand what the ideal plate should look like.
Again, all of the meals on the plan are already lavender.. however if you are creating your own meals or substituting ingredients in one of the meal plan entrees be sure your meal is lavender after it is complete.
5. Menu Modifications
You can add and omit vegetables that aren’t to your liking such as onions, peppers, tomatoes, etc (non-starch) but don’t add or omit proteins or fats. If you are feeling full, at least finish the protein/fat part of your meal. If you’re feeling hungry, you can add more vegetables. You have the flexibility to use dairy-free or gluten-free options. Cottage cheese and yogurts can be replaced with dairy-free alternatives. Here are some additional helpful tips:
A. Protein Powder
There are two types of protein powders on your plan. One is for daytime and one is for nighttime. Both are optional but truly amazing to have!
Casein protein powder -This is a slow-digesting protein that should be consumed at night. This makes amazing nighttime desserts. This should not be consumed during the day and is amazing for desserts.
Whey, soy, or plant-based powders- There are so many good choices. Look for one that is 20+ grams of protein and under 5 grams of sugar. Whey, soy, or plant-based powders are to be used in baking muffins/donuts and or shakes during the day (the protein powders on the plan are all optional, modifications can be made). See the wish list for my favorite brands.
The Organic Plant-Based powder on the wish list is for dairy-free individuals. Although it will bake well in the muffins, the whey powder will provide better results.
B. Hydration
Water is the best source of hydration and will improve your metabolic rate the best. It is recommended that you take in 80-100 oz of water each day. Slowly build up to this amount if you are not a water drinker.
Sugar-free drinks - These are ok in moderation. I am not a huge fan of getting used to these drinks since we really don’t know what this chemical is that we are drinking. Stevia or monk fruit are the most natural, however, try some fresh citrus fruits for a splash of flavor and use the sugar-free additions as a special treat!
Sparkling Water - This is ok to use as hydration as long as there is zero sugar and sodium. It’s not ideal but it can help get those 80 - 100 ozs in!
Coffee and Tea - If non-caffeinated these can count toward your water goal. Coffee and tea are fine if you use fat-free creamer and sugar-free sweetener and you log your calories. Almond milk creamers are popular and low in calories as well! Coffee and tea consumption do not count in your water goal for the day! Click the image to see a yummy way to drink coffee and get some protein in at the same time
Alcoholic Beverages- Over At least 38 million adults in the US drink too much.* According to the American Health Association and CDC 2023 Healthy People Report this is the definition of overconsumption of alcohol:
Men: 15+ average drinks per week
Woman: 8+ average drinks per week

For the 23 Day Restoration Process we are offering a NO JUICE JANUARY for anyone who wishes to add a no alcohol challenge into their regimen. Otherwise you may follow the DRINKING IN MODERATION GUIDELINES ABOVE as long as they fit in your caloric allotment.
Please text Irene at (773) 644-1441 with the following information:
This should be done for current and new members.
Your name and current weight.
Do you want to be paired with an accountability buddy?
You have signed up for all of the pages and Zoom On-Board
Please download the attached document. It contains all 5 sections of the On-Board Process. You will be guided through each section once we begin to will help you to understand the nutritional protocol that we will be following over the next 23 days.