Goal making for success

We will be using SMART GOALS as a technique to help us organize and measure our progress in the steps needed for a change of behavior to take place. This typically can not be done alone without the structure of a plan.
Each member needs to establish a set of goals for the 23 Day ReStoration Process. In order for increased success you should limit your goals to no more than three goals. Once you have chosen three goals you will be asked to focus on the one that fits best with the criteria below. Here are some tips on selecting your goals:

Smart Goal Tips
Your goal should be something specific you want to change, not something you are wanting to change for someone else.
Goal should be something that can be tracked and measured for progress.
Your goal should be something that can be identified by a time span or allotted period of time.
Your goal should be attainable and realistic for you to reach in 23 days.
Your goal should be small and sustainable.
Use the sheet on the below to brainstorm some goals you may have for yourself. You will be assigned to an accountability buddy upon request. Once you submit your final SMART GOAL on January 3rd you will be assigned to your accountability partner and given further instructions.
Click to download PDF of this document

You will be asked to submit your final SMART GOAL via a form that will be emailed after the On-Boarding Zoom Meeting on the 2nd.
